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CCDB → Angiosperms → Poaceae → Phleum → Phleum bertolonii DC.
Name | Accepted Name | Gametophytic(n) | Sporophytic(2n) | Data Source | reference | ||
Phleum bertolonii DC. | Phleum bertolonii DC. | 28 | CHROBASE | CENCI C.A. - 1979. Numero cromosomico e caratteri morfologici di alcuni ecotipi di Phleum pratense L. (Graminaceae) dell'Italia centrale.. Giorn. Bot. Ital. , 113: 145-155. | |||
Phleum bertolonii DC. | Phleum bertolonii DC. | 28 | CHROBASE | CENCI C.A. - 1979. Numero cromosomico e caratteri morfologici di alcuni ecotipi di Phleum pratense L. (Graminaceae) dell'Italia centrale.. Giorn. Bot. Ital. , 113: 145-155. | |||
Phleum bertolonii DC. | Phleum bertolonii DC. | 28 | CHROBASE | CENCI C.A. - 1979. Numero cromosomico e caratteri morfologici di alcuni ecotipi di Phleum pratense L. (Graminaceae) dell'Italia centrale.. Giorn. Bot. Ital. , 113: 145-155. | |||
! | Phleum pratense subsp. bertolonii (DC.) Bornm. | Phleum bertolonii DC. | 28 | CHROBASE | KERGULEN M. - 1983. Les gramines de France au travers de "Flora Europaea" et de la "Flore" du C.N.R.S.. Lejeunia, ser. nouv. , 110: 1/1/1979. | ||
! | Phleum pratense subsp. bertolonii (DC.) Bornm. | Phleum bertolonii DC. | 28 | CHROBASE | CENCI C.A. - 1978. Phleum pratense L. subsp. pratense e subsp. bertolonii (DC.): caratteristiche cariologiche e morfologiche di alcuni ecotipi dell'Italia centrale.. Giorn. Bot. Ital. , 112(4): 293-294. | ||
! | Phleum pratense subsp. bertolonii (DC.) Bornm. | Phleum bertolonii DC. | 28 | CHROBASE | CENCI C.A. - 1978. Phleum pratense L. subsp. pratense e subsp. bertolonii (DC.): caratteristiche cariologiche e morfologiche di alcuni ecotipi dell'Italia centrale.. Giorn. Bot. Ital. , 112(4): 293-294. | ||
! | Phleum pratense subsp. bertolonii (DC.) Bornm. | Phleum bertolonii DC. | 28 | CHROBASE | CENCI C.A. - 1978. Phleum pratense L. subsp. pratense e subsp. bertolonii (DC.): caratteristiche cariologiche e morfologiche di alcuni ecotipi dell'Italia centrale.. Giorn. Bot. Ital. , 112(4): 293-294. | ||
! | Phleum bertolonii DC. | Phleum bertolonii DC. | 14 | Slovakia Database | Perný M., 2007: [New records in Phleum], pp. 433-435. - In: Marhold K., Mártonfi P., Mereďa P. jun., Mráz P. (eds), Chromosome number survey of the ferns and flowering plants of Slovakia. Veda, Bratislava. | ||
! | Phleum bertolonii DC. | Phleum bertolonii DC. | 14 | Slovakia Database | Perný M., 2007: [New records in Phleum], pp. 433-435. - In: Marhold K., Mártonfi P., Mereďa P. jun., Mráz P. (eds), Chromosome number survey of the ferns and flowering plants of Slovakia. Veda, Bratislava. | ||
! | Phleum bertolonii DC. | Phleum bertolonii DC. | 14 | Slovakia Database | Perný M., 2007: [New records in Phleum], pp. 433-435. - In: Marhold K., Mártonfi P., Mereďa P. jun., Mráz P. (eds), Chromosome number survey of the ferns and flowering plants of Slovakia. Veda, Bratislava. | ||
! | Phleum bertolonii DC. | Phleum bertolonii DC. | 14 | Slovakia Database | Perný M., 2007: [New records in Phleum], pp. 433-435. - In: Marhold K., Mártonfi P., Mereďa P. jun., Mráz P. (eds), Chromosome number survey of the ferns and flowering plants of Slovakia. Veda, Bratislava. | ||
! | Phleum abbreviatum (Boiss.) R. Mart. & A. Asensi & M. Mesa & F. Valle | Phleum bertolonii DC. | 14 | Flora Iberica | Nmeros cromosmicos para la flora espaola, 276-283. Romero Zarco, C. & J. A. Devesa.Lagascalia12(1): 124-128(1983). | ||
! | Phleum bertolonii DC. | Phleum bertolonii DC. | 14 | flora of NW Europe | http://wbd.etibioinformatics.nl/bis/flora.php?selected=beschrijving&menuentry=soorten&id=4583 | ||
Phleum pratense subsp. bertolonii (DC.) Bornm. | Phleum bertolonii DC. | 14 | Flora Europaea | Muntzing, 1935 | |||
! | Phleum hubbardii D. Kovats | Phleum bertolonii DC. | 14 | Poland Database | Pogan E., Wcis?o H., Jankun A. et al. 1980 b. Further studies in chromosome numbers of Polish Angiosperms. Part XIII. Acta Biol. Cracov. Ser. Bot. 22, 37-69. | ||
! | Phleum hubbardii D. Kovats | Phleum bertolonii DC. | 14 | Poland Database | Joachimiak A. and Grabowska-Joachimiak A. 2000. Stomatal cell lenght and ploidy level in four taxa belonging to the Phleum sect. Phleum. Acta Biol. Cracov. Ser. Bot. 42/1: 103-107. | ||
! | Phleum hubbardii D. Kovats | Phleum bertolonii DC. | 14 | Poland Database | Joachimiak A., Kula A., 1993. Cytotaxonomy and karyotype evolution in Phleum sect. Phleum (Poaceae) in Poland. Plant Systematics and Evolution 188, 17-30. | ||
! | Phleum hubbardii D. Kovats | Phleum bertolonii DC. | 14 | Poland Database | Kula A. Morphology and cytogenetics of Phleum hubbardii. In: L. Frey (ed.), Problems of grass biology. W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakw 2003. pp. 293-306 | ||
Phleum bertolonii DC. | Phleum bertolonii DC. | 14 | IPCN online | Dogan, M. 1983. Chromosome counts of Turkish grasses. Willdenowia 13: 345–347. | |||
Phleum bertolonii DC. | Phleum bertolonii DC. | 14 | IPCN online | Cai, Q. & M. R. Bullen. 1991. Characterization of genomes of timothy (Phleum pratense L.). I. Karyotypes and C-banding patterns in cultivated timothy and two wild relatives. Genome 34: 52–58. | |||
Phleum pratense subsp. bertolonii (DC.) Bornm. | Phleum bertolonii DC. | 28 | IPCN online | Ko|3zuharov, S. I. & A. V. Petrova. 1991. Chromosome numbers of Bulgarian angiosperms. Fitologija 39: 72–77. | |||
Phleum pratense subsp. bertolonii (DC.) Bornm. | Phleum bertolonii DC. | ca 42 | IPCN online | Strid, A. & R. Franzen. 1981. In Chromosome number reports LXXIII. Taxon 30: 829–842. | |||
Phleum pratense var. abbreviatum Boiss. | Phleum bertolonii DC. | 14 | IPCN online | Romero Zarco, C. & J. A. Devesa. 1983. Numeros 276-283, In: Numeros cromosomicos para la flora espanola 257-300. Lagascalia 12: 124–128. | |||
Phleum pratense subsp. serotinum (Jord.) Berher | Phleum bertolonii DC. | 14 | IPCN online | Lövkvist, B. & U. M. Hultgård. 1999. Chromosome numbers in south Swedish vascular plants. Opera Bot. 137: 1–42. | |||
! | Phleum bertolonii DC. | Phleum bertolonii DC. | 14 | IPCN73-74 | WILTON, A.C., & L.J. KLEBESADEL. 1973. Karyology and phylogenetic relationships of Phleum pratense, P. cornrnutatum, and~- bertolonii. Crop Sci. (Madisonr-13: 663 665. | ||
Phleum bertolonii DC. | Phleum bertolonii DC. | 14 | CromoCat 2015 | Allard, H. A. & Evans, M. H. (1941). Growth and Flowering of some tame and wild grasses in response to different photoperiods. J. Agric. Res. 62: 193-228. | |||
Phleum bertolonii DC. | Phleum bertolonii DC. | 14 | CromoCat 2015 | Dogan, M. (1983). Chromosome counts of Turkish grasses. Willdenowia 13: 345-347. | |||
Phleum bertolonii DC. | Phleum bertolonii DC. | 14 | CromoCat 2015 | Gregor, J. W. & Sansome, F. W. (1930). Experiments on the genetics of wild populations. II. Phleum pratense L. and the hybrid P. pratense x P. alpinum L. J. Genet. 22: 373-387. | |||
Phleum bertolonii DC. | Phleum bertolonii DC. | 14 | CromoCat 2015 | Jones, K. (1959). Cytology. Welsh Pl. Breed. Sta. Rep 1956-1958: 68-71. | |||
Phleum bertolonii DC. | Phleum bertolonii DC. | 14 | CromoCat 2015 | Litardière, R., de. (1948b). Observations caryosystématiques sur le Phleum pratense L. var. brachystachyum Salis. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris 226: 1574-1575. | |||
Phleum bertolonii DC. | Phleum bertolonii DC. | 14 | CromoCat 2015 | Müntzing, A. (1935). Cytogenetic studies on hybrids between two Phleum species. Hereditas 20: 103-136. | |||
Phleum bertolonii DC. | Phleum bertolonii DC. | 14 | CromoCat 2015 | Müntzing, A. (1936). Om kromosomerna och deras verkan hos nagra trädslag. Lustgarden 17: 1-18. | |||
Phleum bertolonii DC. | Phleum bertolonii DC. | 14 | CromoCat 2015 | Nordenskiöld, H. (1937). Intra and interspecific hybrids of Phleum pratense and P. alpinum. Hereditas 23: 304-316. | |||
Phleum bertolonii DC. | Phleum bertolonii DC. | 14 | CromoCat 2015 | Nordenskiöld, H. (1941). Cytological studies in triploid Phleum. Bot. Not. 94: 12-32. | |||
Phleum bertolonii DC. | Phleum bertolonii DC. | 14 | CromoCat 2015 | Nordenskiöld, H. (1945). Cytogenetic studies in the genus Phleum. Acta Agr. Suecana 1: 1-138. | |||
Phleum bertolonii DC. | Phleum bertolonii DC. | 14 | CromoCat 2015 | Nordenskiöld, H. (1949b). Synthesis of Phleum pratense L. from P. nodosum. Hereditas 35: 190-202. | |||
Phleum bertolonii DC. | Phleum bertolonii DC. | 14 | CromoCat 2015 | Nordenskiöld, H. (1957). Segregations rations in progenies of hybrids between natural and synthesized Phleum pratense. Hereditas 43: 525-540. | |||
Phleum bertolonii DC. | Phleum bertolonii DC. | 14+(0-4)B | CromoCat 2015 | Bosemark, N. O. (1957). Further studies on accessory chromosomes in grasses. Hereditas 43: 236-297. | |||
Phleum bertolonii DC. | Phleum bertolonii DC. | 14 | IAPT/IOPB | IAPT/IOPB Chromosome Data 32 |